Friday 29 July 2016

White wolf howling at a crescent moon cross stitch design

White wolf howling at a crescent moon cross stitch design

Stitch preview

Cross stitch design

Colour Chart

Anchor Thread numbers

Hello everyone,
This weeks design was a special challenge from the lovely Shannen Wright to create a design with a lovely Wolf theme to celebrate her new book Bad Reception. 

Bad Reception is a book full of supernatural elements, including vampires, immortals and werewolves  which is one of the reasons a wolf theme was chosen for this design. 

To say a big thank you for inspiring this design feel free to pop over to her Facebook page and give a lovely thumbs up. :) Its a lovely page to follow with insights into writing and being creative and a few lovely pictures sprinkled along the way. 

To check out this book on Amazon and read the synopsis here is a link:

I tell you what I am already quite intrigued by the synopsis and have ordered a copy to read on my summer holidays. So I'll have to tell you all about how it was when I get back

Reference picture for this cross stitch design found in the public domain here:

For a few more Animal themed cross stitch designs here are some links:
Peanut the cat in a box
Border Collie Puppy
Simple Beagle puppy
Rainbow Bridge - Angel cat with halo
Rainbow Bridge - Angel dog

 For the Buzy Bobbins Index page Click here.

Saturday 23 July 2016

How to make an Evil purple Minion Christmas bauble

How to make an Evil purple Minion Christmas bauble

Hello everyone
I'm back with another Minion themed tutorial, theres really not enough Minion items in my house right now! So I just had to come back with a little more Minion crafts

My previous tutorials can be found here:
Minion Birthday card
Basic Yellow Minion Bauble

Remember: Kids will need adult supervision for this make since it requires cutting and sticking.

What you will need:
Purple Christmas baubles
Thin Black ribbon
Felt in Grey, white and black
Purple Tinsel
Craft glue - I used ordinary PVA clue for mine but a stronger glue will make your baubles sturdier for years to come.

Here are the baubles I used, this can work with shiny, glittery or other types of baubles, just choose which ones you like or have spare in your decorations box. I used a small piece of scrappy purple tinsel. It was an old piece and looked a little short for the Christmas tree so this was an awesome way to recycle it. 

Step 1:
The first thing you need to do is hop over the my original minion bauble tutorial here Basic Yellow Minion Bauble
Follow the steps for creating the Goggles out of ribbon and felt gluing the items onto your purple baubles (thats steps 1 - 3) and then hop back over to this page. 

Step 2:
Let your goggles dry a while so they don't come out of place while making the next parts
Cut a strip of your Tinsel to Surround the hanging loop of your bauble. 

As shown above apply a layer of glue to the very top of the bauble and wait for it to become tacky. Then apply the tinsel to the glue. I had to hold it tight to the bauble for several minutes to ensure it stayed firm. 

Step 3:
Once the tinsel has dried on its time to make the mouth. 

Simply cut shapes from your black felt to create the mouth and don't forget to use small pieces of white for the teeth. For the evil minions renember they often have their mouths open and their teeth sticking out. 
Here are my examples of the mouths.

This is a part where you can experiment to find your favourite facial expression out of the many the Evil minions pull. You know this will be a great excuse to watch Despicable Me 2 again!

I hope you have fun with this little tutorial, I know its nowhere near Christmas at the moment but these little guys can be displayed at any time of year as well as decorating the Christmas tree.

For more Christmas bauble upcycling ideas here are some links:

Christmas Bauble Upcycling

Upcycling worn out Christmas Baubles
Spiderman Halloween decoration
How to make a Bloody handprint Halloween decoration from an old Christmas bauble
How to make a dripping bauble Halloween decoration.
Pokemon Gastly Halloween decoration
How to make a Wrapped sweet Christmas decoration.
How to make a Squirtle Squad decoration
How to make a Jake the dog decoration
How to make a Chain Chomp Christmas bauble

Other Upcycling

Upcycled bunting from left over wrapping paper
How to make wool covered letters - Kids craft

 For the Buzy Bobbins Index page Click here.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Mimikkyu - Pokemon cross stitch design

Mimikkyu -  Pokemon cross stitch design

Colour Where is it used Anchor Thread numbers
Grey Outlines, tips of ears, eyes and tail 401
Dark yellow Main body 387
Red Cheeks 336

If you would like to see more art work of this adorable Pokemon may I recommend this lovely Facebook page:

The page is trying to get 10k likes by the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon so why not pop over and give them a thumbs up? I have been loving all of the cute Mimikku artwork on my news feed every day it's been inspiring me to have a go at drawing Mimikyu some friends. :)

Mimikkyu is a newly announced Pokemon which is currently taking the internet by storm so I thought I'd draw a little cross stitch design based on the first official artwork. If you have already checked that out you may notice that this picture has far less shades of yellow-grey than the original, it seems in that picture the Pokemon is affected by a light source which is not clear in the final picture. So I decided to make this design a flat colour to make it easier to sew. As there are very few official sources for this Pokémon at the moment I made a best guess with the colour but as more official drawings come out we may see this Pokémon shown as a different shade. So when that happens feel free to swap out my suggested thread number for something a little more suitable if you like. :)

Heres the current Bublapedia entry on this Pokemon:

Mimikkyu is a small Pokémon whose body is hidden under a veil. Only its beady black eyes are visible through holes in the body of its disguise. Its true appearance is unknown, but the veil it wears resembles a Pikachu. The cloth itself is yellow with black tipped ears. The face consists of black eyes, red cheeks, and a squiggly black mouth that appear to be drawn with crayons. It also carries a small stick resembling a lightning bolt to create a tail for its costume.

For updates check out this link:

For more Pokemon Themed cross stitch designs here are some links:



Pokemon Go teams Mystic, Valor and Instinct

 For the Buzy Bobbins Index page Click here. 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Pokemon GO team logo cross stitch design - Mystic, Valor and Instinct

Pokemon GO team logo cross stitch design - Mystic, Valor and Instinct

Team Mystic - Represented by Articuno

Team Instinct - Represented by Zapdos

Team Valor - Represented by Moltres

Colour Team Anchor Thread numbers
Blue Mystic 132
Yellow Instinct 291
Red Valor 334

Hello everyone,
This week my Facebook has been filled with pictures and posts all about Pokemon Go, with all my friends choosing a side to capture Pokemon Gyms. 
I have not yet gotten the game since its not available in the UK at the moment and I am waiting for the official release so I am still to choose a side. However I wanted to do some designs for the teams to put on my Pokemon Go bag. The bag will include some snacks, some sunscreen (yep I live in the UK so there isn't much sun but I can get sunburn on a cloudy day) and a generous bottle of water to keep me going. 

For more Pokemon themed cross stitch designs here are some links:



For some more cool Pokémon crafts:

Pokemon Gastly Halloween decoration
How to make a Squirtle Squad decoration

 For the Buzy Bobbins Index page Click here. 

Friday 8 July 2016

Zodiac cross stitch design Leo - July 23 - August 22

Zodiac cross stitch design Leo - July 23 - August 22

Colour DMC Number Anchor Number
Black 310 403
Red 666 46
Orange 714 314
Yellow 973 297

This design was originally charted in Anchor colours, a conversion chart was used to get the DMC colours. To get the closest match to the design as shown here use Anchor threads.

Leo is a fire sign, so to represent this I made the background look like a collection of small flames all smoldering behind the sign. The Colours used are also all bright and firey this helps to represent the Fire signs tendency to be Enthusiastic to the point where they could burn out of control. So keep an eye on those fire signs! However all that passion can sometimes be channeled into creative pursuits, with the fire signs tendency to be lively and spontaneous it seems like there will never be a dull moment with them around.

For more Zodiac themed cross stitch designs here are some links:

Zodiac cross stitch design Aquarius January 20 - February 18
Zodiac cross stitch designs - Capricorn December 22 - January 19
Zodiac cross stitch -  Pisces February 19 - March 20
Zodiac cross stitch design Aries - March 21 - April 19
Zodiac cross stitch design - Taurus April 20 - May 20
Zodiac cross stitch design Gemini - May 21 - June 20
Zodiac Cancer June 21 - July 22 cross stitch design
Zodiac cross stitch design - Virgo August 23 - September 22
Zodiac cross stitch design Libra - September 23 - October 22
Zodiac Scorpio October 23 - November 21 cross stitch design

 For the Buzy Bobbins Index page Click here.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Cosplays spotted at MCM London Expo May 2016 - Part 1

Cosplays spotted at MCM London Expo May 2016 - Part 1

Hello everyone,
On May Bank Holiday weekend I took a trip to London to the MCM comic con and as always I met some lovely people and saw their fabulous costumes. Today I'd like to share a few of the lovely cosplays I saw at the event. I know this post is a little bit late but I have had just so much to talk about from all of the lovely events I have been to this year that the MCM post just kept slipping backwards.

First I'd like to send a big thanks to everyone who took a moment to pose for a photo during the convention. Everyone was so lovely to meet and I do hope you all continue to make lovely cosplays and have a great time at future conventions.

Ariel from the Little Mermaid
This is a particularly stunning version of Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I must note that this cosplayer very naturally took a wonderful princess pose and a charming smile.
I later found out that this cosplayer actually specializes in royal cosplays - so no wonder they are so good at princess posing with plenty of practice.
If you'd like to see more of their work they have a couple of webpages to follow, I highly recommend checking them out for a collection of finished works and a few shots of work in progress.


Beaker dressed as Doctor Who
The award for best crossover I spotted definitely has to go to this stunning Cosplay. This is Beaker (of Muppets fame) dressed as Doctor Who complete with a sonic screwdriver and old style 3D glasses. This cosplay is really fun and inspired me to Google this particular crossover. I recommend taking a peek (with safe search on mind you)

Hiram McDaniels from Welcome to Nightvale

This has got to be the very first Welcome to Nightvale cosplay I have recognised. Now it is possible that there have been more of them around the events I have been to but the cosplayers version of a particular character is slightly different to how I imagine them in my head. Since there isn't very much official artwork and Fan art varies a little in details.

Anyway this is Hyram Mcdaniels candidate for the Nightvale mayoral elections and a LITERAL five headed dragon. I adore how this cosplayer has ensured that each head sits differently to help show that each head has its own distinct personality (and in the podcast a distinctive voice too)

If this cosplay has you a little intrigued check out the following link for more information on Welcome to Nightvale.

Ma Dai from Dynasty Warriors
This is Ma Dai from Dynasty Warriors, I must admit I did fangirl about Dynasty Warriors when spotting this talented cosplayer. Though I admit I do most often play Bao Sanniang when playing levels with the Shu side.

There is so much detail in every aspect of this costume from the foam armor to the incredibly detailed coat. I must point out the lovely brush (yes this character does use a giant brush in the game) each strand is added to the brush separately which makes it look wonderful. I have seen versions of this weapon where the whole brush is a solid piece of foam but this is an effective way to make the weapon look realistic.

I must also point out the skilful making of the armour here and the sheer detail in the material used. Even down to the unusual shaped armour on the shoes. A friend has told me that this shape would actually catch weaponry so that the wearer of such shoes would not have their toes cut off. I learnt something new today. Hooray.

Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Oh

This is a cosplay of possibly one of the most recognisable Yu-Gi-Oh cards beyond Blue Eyes White Dragon. Its got a beautiful attention to detail and all that trimming must have taken a mountain of patience to sew on.
Well done to this cosplayer for a fabulous costume and even going all out to make the staff. I can't figure out how it was done, I may have to look this one up. :)

A collection of Deadpools and Spiderman

Since the Deadpool movie came out the frequency of Deadpool cosplayers has increased exponentially. This year it hasn't been unusual to spot loads of cosplayers all over conventions as Deadpool, some Deadpools are simply from the film or comics complete with swords and a variety of weaponry but some Deadpools come in another costume such as maids, street clothes or more ornate characters. However this fits very well with Deadpools character, I guess the amazing thing about him is that anything really goes and its still (probably) canon.

PS. A few years ago we considered playing a convention drinking game after the show ended, it was called 'See a Link, take a drink' I know its not very original but there were loads of Link cosplays. We considered doing it again with Deadpools but then realized we probably would not be able to make it home if we did so. :)

Looks like this Post is starting to get awfully long and I have so many more cosplays to show you all so looks like I'm going to have to be back soon with a part two .

I'll be posting part 2 soon :)

Much love and happy stitching

For more cosplay themed posts here are some links:
Cosplays spotted at EMcon 2016

 For the Buzy Bobbins Index page Click here.