Wednesday 27 June 2018

Small alphabet using whole stitches and half stitches

Small alphabet using whole stitches and half stitches

Hello everyone,

Here is a cross stitched alphabet made of big bold letters, theres no thread colour suggestion as this can be sewn in any colour that will match the design its being paired with. 
This design would be nice on big bold signs, maybe a nice snarky comment design? 

Much love and happy stitching

Gemma x

For more alphabet cross stitch designs here are some links: 

 For the Buzy Bobbins Index page Click here. 


  1. Hello, Gemma!
    I wanted to contact you in private, but I can't find a way to do so, so I'm using the comments section.
    First of all: congratulations for such an amazing work! I LOVED your blog, there're just so many beautiful cross stitch patterns!
    Now, I couldn't find a place where you talk about the rules we must follow if we wanna use your patterns. Is there anywhere I can read'em? I wanna know if your graphics are for personal use only or if I could use some of them to embroider (manually, no machines involved) and then sell the resulting cross stitch work by framing the embroidered cloth.
    If not, I'll keep using it for my own home only.
    Thank you for them, anyway! It's really hard to find beautiful and free patterns like yours, and unfortunately cross stich is so underrated lately...
    <3 xoxo

    1. Hi there, thanks for getting in touch, I have been intending to write a page with that information on it. However I’ve been hampered by a broken pc and 12 hour shifts for months (that’s why there have been so few posts recently) so hopefully I can write up the page soon.
      Thank you for your kind words it’s nice to know the patterns are being enjoyed. :)
      Happy stitching


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